Sunday, December 28, 2008


By His Crown He wore,
my thoughts are purified.
By the nails in His hands,
my works are sanctified.
By His broken heart,
my heart been revived
that the Father may be Glorified.
His shed blood my sanctification,
His torn flesh, my consecration.
Lord, santify me
as Thou has done for me
on the Cross at Calvary.
By your deeds, not mine,
I receive my consecration
for you are the One True Vine.
He gave Himself willingly
He suffered, bled and died
and in his pain and agony
it was unto Thee He cried.
Not for Himself with pity
His death was not in vain
by by faith and believing,
it is I whose soul He gained.
The seed of His death
became the havest of life,
we are His children
the seed of the First Born.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Blessed Christmas to you. If you are interested in card making, please visit my other blog, The Paper Handmaiden....I am looking forward to meeting some sisters and hope you each have a wonderful and safe Christmas.

What is a Woman?

What is a Woman?

I call her beloved,
altogether lovely.

A woman is made in the image of God,
yet she is not alone
outside of man.
That is why she is desirous of him.
I call my church "Bride".
She is mine
and to be protected.

Ask me of woman
for I have made her.
I know her
for I am her creator.

Do not be afraid
to come to me as a woman,
Did I not make you thus?

I know your needs,
your vulnerability,
yet you and I are one.

If you abide in me
you shall move and breath
and have your being in Me.

I Am is your Beloved,
I Am is your covering.

Do not be afraid of the
faces of men.
Their comments or their criticisms say:

I Am is my beloved,
I Am is my keeper,
I Am is My protection,
I Am is all my need,
for all I need is Him.

"I am my Beloved's and He is mine, His banner over me is love."

Monday, December 22, 2008

Are you at the Inn or The Stable?

This Christmas season I have really been focused on the difference between what was going on at The Inn and what was going on in the stable. Like Martha and Mary, we have a choice on Christmas to be at the Inn or at the Stable in our hearts and minds.

The Inn was all booked up with those registering as commanded by the king. There must have been some very interesting conversations about the "government, more taxes, the long journey,..." Meanwhile, in the very back of the Inn there was the true King being born.

Did the Angel and the Multitude of Heavenly Host go to the Inn? No....They went to the Shepherds keeping watch over their flock by night.

To all the Shepherds keeping watch over your flock may the Lord Bless you with peace and a wonderful renewal of His Good News--

To the multitude worried about the economic melt down and the government and all the concerns we can clearly see, look away for a moment. Gaze on the Savior so far removed from this world's system and saying: Peace on Earth--Good Will to Men" For the Government of the people shall be upon His Shoulders". Let Him carry the busyness of the season--you can be still and know that He is God.
I wonder if we went to Bethlehem would we find Martha at the Inn and Mary at the stable? Choose the better part--sit at His feet.

God Bless

Mountains in Your Life

Your mountains overwhelm you.
They surround you on all sides.

Yet, I leap over your mountains.
I skip across their peaks.

Have I not said all things are under My feet?
Do not be overcome with anxiety in the valley;
for it is in the valley you are able to see
the depth, breadth and height
of the mountains in your life.
Look up, look up and behold the Son of God.
Look to the hills,
to the top of the mountain
from whence comes your help.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Enter Into the Holy Place

Enter into the Holy Place

Behold, I have rent the veil
that you might enter in
and have fellowship and protection with Me.

As you look at those things in the past
you will no longer see them with clarity
for they will be blurred by the veil.

You dwell with Me inside the temple.
The Holy Temple of God.
Those other things dwell without
and cannot enter in.
Only enter in with a pure mind
and a clean heart.

Have I not said that I go before the Father
making intercession for the saints day and night?

Look to Me
Gaze upon My face.
Behold My beauty and
not those things outside the veil,
but those things within the veil.

For in this you shall have peace of mind,
knowing that I died for you
and that I live for you.

Come into My presence
and leave your cares outside.
They cannot come in,
this is your way of escape.

Friday, December 19, 2008



I invited in
He who is perfect in love
to cast out all my fears.

Since perfect love casts out all fear
and since I am not perfect,
I asked He who is perfect in love to
go into those deep places where
fears hide
and just to cast them out,
because perfect love cast out all fear.

Therefore, it is finished
He has my permission
and I am not afraid of Him
going to the deep places
that only He knows of,
and that I dare not go.

I will trust Him
who knows no fear.

Gladly surrender to Him
in order to better serve Him-
He who is the only true God and Master.

I am not afraid
neither will I fear,
for He now has control
of those things which have
been held back.

I surrender all--

I Am My Brother's Keeper

My Brother's Keeper

I am my Brother's keeper
I'll know no other task
till I can safely lead him
to holy ground at last.

No obstacle too mighty
nor problem to small
but as my brother's keeper
I will listen to them all.

The sin of Cain toward Abel
was simply said like this,
I'm not my brother's keeper
and love I will resist.

Yet from they throne in Heaven
you call to me an say,
"are you ready to do battle
for the brotherhood today?"

They are not your brothers
only in some cold ecclesiastical way
but brothers are they in Me,
for this is My only way.

I AM is your keeper,
your brother's yes
and they and you
must walk close by Me
to mister My way.

Yeah I Am With You Always

Yeah, I am with You Always

Stephen lifted his face towards Heaven in the midst of being stoned, and said "Father lay not this sin to their charge."

God doesn't change the will of men. They willed to kill Stephen the way they willed to kill Jesus.

Yet, in the midst of all that,Stephen had great grace for he knew who he loved and he knew Who it was whom he served.

In that knowing, he was able to be above the will of men, he was in God's will "to love your enemies". His life in Christ was short, yet more powerful than many or any since.

The will of men to kill is never stronger than God's grace, mercy or promise that "yeah I am with the always even unto the end of the age.

Love Like Rain

Love Like Rain

My love descends as a gentle mist
and no one goes untouched.

As the rain falls on the just and the unjust,
so does My love.

But your love is partial
and it goes to whom you deem.
My love is to whom I will.

Your love too must fall on all you meet,
for if you walk as I have walked,
in My love and not yours,
then it shall descend to whom I will.
Your least likely
is My greatest potential.

He's Ever The Shepherd

He is Ever the Shepherd

Don't let the hardness of the way
mar your vision of Me.

I am the Gentle Shepherd you first knew.

I Am still the Water of Life,
and I long to guide you to the wells.

I am the Gentle Guide,
listen to My soft voice.

Don't let the loudness of your circumstances
muddle My call.

I Am you tender hand to hold you and lead you.
I long to comfort you and love you with
My touch.

Come to Me with expectation,
You need not look far,
for I Am in the midst of you.

With loving kindness and tender mercy
shall I gather you to Me.

The Lamb of God is your Shepherd.
My love for you never changes.

Come away with Me
and I will give you rest.

The Eye of Faith


You have not known Me
neither have you perceived Me
in that which is nearest to your heart.

You have looked with the natural eye
yet I have said
you shall see with the Eye of Faith.

You cannot serve God and mammon too,
for there shall be division.

A divided heart knows no direction
for it is simultaneously being pulled
in two different directions.

I have called you to serve Me
with a single eye.

Know ye not
that it is I
who has given you all that you have
and I will give you specific direction and guidance.

Bend your ear toward Heaven
and listen for the voice of your Father,
for I shall whisper this is the way,
walk ye in it.

And you shall know
that the Master has guided you.

Be not afraid to respond to My direction
for in obedience you shall find rest for your weary soul,
A soul that is hard pressed for answers.

And do not be dismayed or overwhelmed
by that which has been given into your hands
for I shall surely lead you and guide you.

See with the Eye of Faith
that which I am establishing in you
and through you.

For out of this established place
shall rives of living water flow
and where I call to waters to run,
they shall run,
and where I dam up the flood,
the waters shall be dammed.

Keep your eyes on Me
and listen often
to My voice,
for in seeing and listening,
you shall receive direction.