This Christmas season I have really been focused on the difference between what was going on at The Inn and what was going on in the stable. Like Martha and Mary, we have a choice on Christmas to be at the Inn or at the Stable in our hearts and minds.
The Inn was all booked up with those registering as commanded by the king. There must have been some very interesting conversations about the "government, more taxes, the long journey,..." Meanwhile, in the very back of the Inn there was the true King being born.
Did the Angel and the Multitude of Heavenly Host go to the Inn? No....They went to the Shepherds keeping watch over their flock by night.
To all the Shepherds keeping watch over your flock may the Lord Bless you with peace and a wonderful renewal of His Good News--
To the multitude worried about the economic melt down and the government and all the concerns we can clearly see, look away for a moment. Gaze on the Savior so far removed from this world's system and saying: Peace on Earth--Good Will to Men" For the Government of the people shall be upon His Shoulders". Let Him carry the busyness of the season--you can be still and know that He is God.
I wonder if we went to Bethlehem would we find Martha at the Inn and Mary at the stable? Choose the better part--sit at His feet.
God Bless
Amen! You have a lovely blog here, thanks for stopping by mine.