Sunday, February 22, 2009

Blessed Re-assurance

There was a time when I was sure that I was dying from a certain ailment and can remember telling the Lord that if it was going to happen, it was going to happen. I told him that if I had to die so that others could come to the funeral and hear a good salvation message and give their hearts to Him, then I was ready. I was so gravely serious and so willing to go.

Then He spoke and said this:
Joan, I really appreciate you wanting to die so others can be saved, but its not necessary for you to die for them, My son already did that. I then busted out in such laughter that I couldn't help but come out of my seriousness and thank Him for His patience with me. That was 3o years ago and I'm still here. I just love how He surprises us with his tender mercy.


The Simple Woma's Daybook-February 23, 2009

For Today:
Outside my window the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. I am always fascinated by the wind because you can't capture it, you can only show the evidence of it.

l hoping that the people who low bid on our house will come back with a respectable offer that doesn't insult my husband. The word says "it is easier to subdue a city than to subdue a brother offended.
I am thinking about spiritual eyes being opened so that they can see the goodness of God in the land of the living.
From the learning rooms life has its disappointments but disappointment does not have to be a way of life.

I am thankful for my husband who has the heart of a ready helper and will go to extremes to help someone in need.

I am boiling water to put in the dog's 'frozen water container so his tongue won't stick to the ice.
I am wearing two shirts, a sweater and corduroy pants because its cold to the bone.
I am reading old love letters.

I am hoping to make some progress on finding a job and a home with my husband where we can be on the same page. Hoping to bear gigantic fruit for the kingdom.
I am creating this post which has probably been said 1,000 times but that is exactly what I am doing.
I am hearing the humming of the electric heater in my room.

One of my favorite things is to go to the ocean and listen to the power of nature.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you: This beautiful bowl is a gift from J&K which they brought back from the cruise last week to Mexico. They stayed over Saturday night on their way back to Rhode Island. Its beautiful, but not as beautiful as they are!

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook - Wood for Mr. Ward. Feb. 16

For Today...

Outside my window...the is a beautiful blanket of snow.
I am thinking about the people coming to look at the house today.
I am thankful for... Josh and Keri's visit from RI this weekend.
From the kitchen... I can see my husband helping our neighbor stack wood.
I am creating a card for my blog.
I am wearing... three layers of clothes because it is cold outside
I am reading... my never ending e-mail because I took a coupon survey!

I am hoping... to have direction for where my husband and I should move.
I am hearing... a song on the radio "life has many choices but eternity only has two".
For the rest of the week I am planning to look for work and a NE home with God's divine direction.

My Husband and Mr. Ward after they stacked wood.

Mr. Ward is 88 years old.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Let Us Remember the Mercy of God

My husband and I have the opportunity this week to participate in a web cam prayer and fasting service at Times Square Church in NY. The main thrust of the prayer meetings is to ask God for his forgiveness and mercy upon us as a nation and that we too should practice mercy and forgiveness. When we do that we do show forth the love of Christ and show the unforgiven and the merciless how great is our God. The mercy seat is an amazing study when you consider that the dear Lamb of God is the atonement. The High Priest was His own sacrifice for our sins. Now that is mercy.

The text tonight was about Jonah and how unmerciful he was toward Nineveh even when God had compassion on those in Nineveh and was sending mercy before he sent judgment. We as Christians sometimes feel justified in calling for judgment before we call upon God for mercy. (unless it is our own selves, then we want mercy so that we won't be judged).
Jonah wasn't a willing participant in this exercise of God's mercy by any means. I think he pouted through the whole experience and then sat on a hill waiting to see if God would pulverize Nineveh into the ground. Are we not at times resenting "why do the wicked prosper" or feel justified to for call for judgment when we ourselves have received so great a salvation? I know I stand guilty but ah, the mercy of God that we receive mercy that doesn't give us what we deserve nor do we deserve what we get. Who is there in your life that you are sitting comfortably by waiting for the judgment of God to fall on? Ask God to have mercy on them for His ways are not our ways and we must extend the same mercy to them which he gave to us.

I was really touched by this service because I know how easy it would be to call for judgment on all the financial institutions which have wronged so many people and those who are losing their jobs because of corporate greed--but exercising prayers of mercy and seeking for forgiveness puts an end to what could be the beginning of a long recovery period for many. My own journey has been filled with tremendous mercies and grace. Now we can look forward to the miraculous interventions that our God can and will do.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Simple Womas Days Book February 9th

Outside my window I can see the donkeys across the street.

I am thinking what will today bring.

From the learning rooms I watch the birds and remember His Eye in on the Sparrow.

I am thankful for the smell of morning coffee.

From the kitchen thinking about what's for dinner?
I am reading "The Coming Depression" by David Wilkerson --1998.

I am hoping for a fund day with my husband (its his day off).

I am creating a pattern to recover a chair.

I am hearing two songs in my head at the same time.

One of my favorite things is taking picture of the sunset in our backyard.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Husband Rocks Fond Memory-the Joke's on Me!

Recently we went to the new Taubman Art Museum to see this magnificent building and its latest art display. As we entered the room with the oil painting, I notice a man lying on the floor, curled up in a ball, and said "Look Honey" at that man on the floor. My husband said: oh my, do you think he's fainted? I didn't know for sure but at that exact moment a security man was passing by.
So, of course, I drew the officers attention to the man on the floor. When the security guard asked me what did I think we should do about the guy on the floor I thought perhaps the guard was a little unqualified for his position. Then I noticed that my husband and the guard were laughing. It turned out that the man lying in the corner was part of the Art Museums reality display. The man on the floor was a wax dummy! (Or was I the dummy?) I won't forget that dear.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

God is My Provision

I Am is your provision.

What have you need ofthat is not aready fulfilled
in Me?
If a man asks his father for a loaf of bread
will he hand him a stone?
You have notbecause you ask not
and when you askyou ask amiss.
It is money?
My provision was inthe mouth of a fish
.It is calming your raging soul?
My provision was in my servant David
as he succored Saul.
It is wisdom?
Even the mouth of babes speak it.
It is health?
I spoke the Word
and they were made whole.
What have you need of today?
I Am in thee
and we are in the Father,
the provision is already there.

Wounded Warriers

My children sit outside the camp staring at their wounds,
wanting to he healed
but not knowing how.

They are as broken soldiers,
and in their frustration they have lifted the sword
one against the other.

Have I not said
that I Am the God of your healing
and that Mine shall be a victorious army?

The trumpet of the battle is soon to blow,
and I shall raise up my children.

They shall be made whole
and they shall march out in victory.

Too long have the talents I have given
my children have been laid aside.

Dust off your uniform, prepare to put it on.
I shall march through the camp and
I shall heal the broken hearted
and the afflicted.

The Simple Womans Day Book -Feb. 2

Outside my window the clouds are moving faster than I've ever seen.

I am thinking...I am thankful for quiet moments

From the learning rooms...I need to practice difficult guitar cords.

From the kitchen. I see my neighbor walking with his lovely bride of 45 years.

I am wearing a baseball hat

I am creating greetingcards

I am going with my husband for Monday date lunch (Monday is his only day off).

I am reading Get Out of That Pit by Beth More

I am hoping our house will sell soon

l am hearing the sound of many challenges.

Around the house..I need to be more organized.

One of my favorite things...Chocolate Walnut Brownies

A few plans for the rest of the week: paint the bedroom before the house sells.

Here is picture thought I am neighbor's cows!
and sharing it with sisters of the Simple Womans Daybook group.

He is Our Daily Bread

He is Our Daily Bread

He is the one who breaks the bread
and makes it to feed the multitude .
It is by His handthat we become broken
but we become this when we become His instrument

In contrast,
man does not live by bread alone,
this world's manna,

but by His manna we become someone else's manna,
the Bread which came down from Heaven.

The world's manna is
bread of idleness
bread of sorrow,
bread of wickedness.

He is our Daily Bread
the Bread of Life.
The bread of God is He.

The bread which still comes down
from Heaven, daily.

Jesus is the Bread of Life
broken for us
bread to feed us and
to feed through us.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Freedom of Salvation

When we receive by faith the salvation of God, we receive everlasting life and the power to become the children of God. The gift of salvation cleanses us from all unrighteousness. We become a new person. We receive the power to live as a child of the living God and receive His peace, the peace that passes all understanding.My experience has been to hold that gift with a fist so tight that none should steal it. This is not the liberty in which it was given, nor was it meant to be lived.We are always looking about for a thief to steal it, a chance of dropping it, or maybe having a change of heart and throwing it all away. This is not liberty, it is bondage.This is the parable of the unused talent. The unjust servant. One who has been justified but lives as though justification never given, and salvation never received.