Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Let Us Remember the Mercy of God

My husband and I have the opportunity this week to participate in a web cam prayer and fasting service at Times Square Church in NY. The main thrust of the prayer meetings is to ask God for his forgiveness and mercy upon us as a nation and that we too should practice mercy and forgiveness. When we do that we do show forth the love of Christ and show the unforgiven and the merciless how great is our God. The mercy seat is an amazing study when you consider that the dear Lamb of God is the atonement. The High Priest was His own sacrifice for our sins. Now that is mercy.

The text tonight was about Jonah and how unmerciful he was toward Nineveh even when God had compassion on those in Nineveh and was sending mercy before he sent judgment. We as Christians sometimes feel justified in calling for judgment before we call upon God for mercy. (unless it is our own selves, then we want mercy so that we won't be judged).
Jonah wasn't a willing participant in this exercise of God's mercy by any means. I think he pouted through the whole experience and then sat on a hill waiting to see if God would pulverize Nineveh into the ground. Are we not at times resenting "why do the wicked prosper" or feel justified to for call for judgment when we ourselves have received so great a salvation? I know I stand guilty but ah, the mercy of God that we receive mercy that doesn't give us what we deserve nor do we deserve what we get. Who is there in your life that you are sitting comfortably by waiting for the judgment of God to fall on? Ask God to have mercy on them for His ways are not our ways and we must extend the same mercy to them which he gave to us.

I was really touched by this service because I know how easy it would be to call for judgment on all the financial institutions which have wronged so many people and those who are losing their jobs because of corporate greed--but exercising prayers of mercy and seeking for forgiveness puts an end to what could be the beginning of a long recovery period for many. My own journey has been filled with tremendous mercies and grace. Now we can look forward to the miraculous interventions that our God can and will do.



  1. What a great lesson on mercy. Certainly mercy is something we all need and all need to give to others. It's a lot easier to receive than give in this case I'm afraid.
    I'm so glad you chose to join us for Spiritual Sundays.

  2. AMEN! What a wonderful thought on mercy. I'm so glad you shared it here today.
    God Bless,

  3. I'm sorry I'm so late visiting. Thanks for sharing. Happy Spiritual Sunday.
