Outside my window the is our first snow storm ,in March, can't get any better than that. Friday it will be in the 60's.
I am hoping to stop my mind from racing in a thousand different directions because... I am from the learning room , I am learning to lean, learning to lean...
I am cooking...frozen chicken!
I am thankful for the wonder people I am meeting from the Simple Woman's Daybook Family.
I am wearing long pants, long socks, long-sleeve shirt and long gloves, long coat and long scarf.
I am reading yesterday's Sunday School Lesson
I am hoping to stay calm, not get over imaginative, keep trusting, that this housing situation will all work together for the good.
I am creating a recovered wing back chair as soon as I can figure out how to do it without taking the chair apart.
I am hearing Zzz Zzz the sound of my husband who worked two wreckers this snowy weekend. He had one wrecker service phone in his left pocket and one wrecker service phone in his right pocket
One of my favorite things is to do go cart racing, its the closest I'll ever get to competing with my husbands former NASCAR experiences.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you:
Yeah snow for me and probably,
Oh, no, more snow for you.
Aww lucky you to have your hubby home today. Mine just left for Georgia and Florida. WE had a lot of snow here as well. Thankfully it's melting away now. I would like to hear about your husband's nascar experiences. We live for Sunday's after church to watch the races.