Friday, December 19, 2008

The Eye of Faith


You have not known Me
neither have you perceived Me
in that which is nearest to your heart.

You have looked with the natural eye
yet I have said
you shall see with the Eye of Faith.

You cannot serve God and mammon too,
for there shall be division.

A divided heart knows no direction
for it is simultaneously being pulled
in two different directions.

I have called you to serve Me
with a single eye.

Know ye not
that it is I
who has given you all that you have
and I will give you specific direction and guidance.

Bend your ear toward Heaven
and listen for the voice of your Father,
for I shall whisper this is the way,
walk ye in it.

And you shall know
that the Master has guided you.

Be not afraid to respond to My direction
for in obedience you shall find rest for your weary soul,
A soul that is hard pressed for answers.

And do not be dismayed or overwhelmed
by that which has been given into your hands
for I shall surely lead you and guide you.

See with the Eye of Faith
that which I am establishing in you
and through you.

For out of this established place
shall rives of living water flow
and where I call to waters to run,
they shall run,
and where I dam up the flood,
the waters shall be dammed.

Keep your eyes on Me
and listen often
to My voice,
for in seeing and listening,
you shall receive direction.

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